Originally named Cassius Clay, Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville on January 17, 1942. It was here he honed his ability as a boxer, and it was here he returned to after winning Gold in the 1960 Rome Olympics. He returned often after capturing the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World, and it is here, in Louisville, that “The Greatest” has his final resting place.
On June 3, 2016, a global icon was lost with the death of Muhammad Ali at age 74. And, while the world grieved his passing, Louisville lost one of its most beloved sons. Ali, while loved and revered throughout the world, always considered Louisville to be his home. A week-long tribute and memorial in Louisville saw residents line miles of a funeral procession through city streets while showing throngs of international visitors the city’s signature hospitality.
People come to Louisville from around the globe to pay their respects and celebrate the legacy of “The Greatest.” Having lived most of his young life in Louisville, the city is full of “landmarks” that are the backdrops of the events and experiences that molded Ali into the man who was both loved and respected as a legendary sports figure as well as a man of true principals.

“City of Ali” details how the death of Muhammad Ali brought the people of his Kentucky hometown - and the world- together for one unforgettable week.