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Run for Bourbon, Literally

Jim Beam Helps Derby Festival Runners Capture Their Time in a Bottle

Jim Beam Helps Derby Festival Runners Capture Their Time in a Bottle

Participants of this year’s Derby Festival Marathon/miniMarathon presented by Walmart and Humana, will be able to take their race bibs to the Jim Beam Urban Stillhouse at Fourth Street LIVE! to receive a free engraving of their official race time (complete with the official race logo). The free engraving comes with purchase of a Jim Beam Urban Stillhouse Select bottle. As part of the experience, runners will also be able to hand label, fill and cork their own bottle. The bottles are priced at $25.99 for a 375ML bottle and $45.99 for a 750ML bottle. This offer will be included on the runner’s race bib and in the runner’s virtual race bag. Runners can visit the Urban Stillhouse until May 15th to get the engraving.

Jim Beam is the new Official Bourbon of this year’s Race Expo and Packet Pick-up. Before the race, runners can also stop by the Jim Beam Bar at the Race Expo on April 28 or 29 and sample some of Jim Beam’s top brands. The Derby Festival’s road races are set for Saturday, April 30. Registration is still open at DerbyFestivalMarathon.com