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Event 1

Harbor House of Louisville


2231 Lower Hunters Trace
Louisville, KY 40216

Phone: (502) 719-0072
Fax: (502) 719-0078

Harbor House of Louisville


The Ken-Ducky Derby (KDD) is an annual fundraising rubber duck race held in Louisville, KY, and is an official Kentucky Derby Festival event. KDD has been “duckin' out” Louisville for many years! Thousands of rubber ducks are dropped into the Ohio River and raced to the finish line yearly.


Harbor House is also committed to providing the highest quality care for adults with developmental and physical disabilities in a warm and supportive environment through compassion, respect and collaboration.

The programs we provide and the dedication of our direct care professionals.

•Our person-centered approach, accepting family environment and concern for the individual participant’s well-being.

•Our awareness of the dignity, uniqueness, and gifts of participants, their interdependence, and their potential for growth.

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Dumping the Ducks