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Lindsay Beaven

“I’m 26 years old. I have been married to my amazing husband for a little over five years and my daughter will be 8 soon.”


Describe Louisville’s spirit: Louisville has a very loving spirit that is open and welcoming. I am proud to have Louisville as my hometown, no matter how far away I move.

Must-do Louisville experiences: Churchill Downs is a definite must see. Walking around Bardstown road is another fun way to pass the time. Exploring downtown can be a treat, too.

Favorite local festivals and events to attend: The Buy Local Fair is great. I always like to shop local as much as I can.

Go-to places to eat and drink: I like Cafe 360 for the drinks and the food. The atmosphere isn’t bad either.

What do you love most about Louisville? The diversity and how much it has to offer everyone.

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Louisville: Get a Different Taste

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