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Jean Michalak, Heaven Hill Distillery

Sales Manager

I am the Sales Manager for both Heaven Hill Distillery stops on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail: Evan Williams in Louisville, and Heaven Hill in Bardstown. My role encompasses many things, but mainly representing the company at tourism trade shows, local boards/committees, building strategic partnerships with local businesses, outreach, and more.

I was hired as a part-time host in 2014. Left a full-time management job to join the Evan Williams family because I loved the company so much. I previously worked in the spirits distribution industry and had the opportunity to see several distilleries from the inside out. Heaven Hill had a unique balance of premium products, competitive prices, and family leadership that I wanted to be part of.

So far I’ve only had two titles: went from part-time host to full-time host, then Sales Manager. Working in hospitality is a wonderful career for showing off your town and connecting with people. I have learned more about our hometown working in hospitality than anywhere else… and continue to learn something new every day.

As our Bourbon Experiences continue to grow I believe there will be even more room for advancement. Can’t wait to see where that leads!

If I could talk to my younger self I’d tell her to identify her natural strengths and find a role that aligns with that. Stop second-guessing herself and trust her gut!

One of the biggest “aha” moments of my career so far is how the entire tourism industry is a big family, and Kentucky is one of the best in the world!