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Louisville Hits Tourism Award Trifecta

Louisville Hits Tourism Award Trifecta

Louisville Tourism, KEC & KICC honored by meetings industry heavyweight

Louisville, Ky. (Nov. 4, 2020) – Three Louisville organizations were selected as first-place winners of the hospitality industry’s fourth annual Northstar Stella Awards in the Midwest division including Louisville Tourism for Best Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) or Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), the Kentucky International Convention Center for Best Convention Center and Kentucky Exposition Center for Best Conference Center.

The Stella Awards are the meeting industry’s highest honor, recognizing hotels, convention centers, conference centers, airlines, cruise lines and DMOs/CVBs that consistently deliver quality service and innovation to meeting and event professionals.

This year, nearly 7,000 votes were cast from around the world for the 553 destinations, hotels and service providers nominated in 17 categories in six regions in the United States and worldwide. Winners were selected for achieving overall excellence, superb food and beverage, professionalism of staff, sustainability initiatives, and other critical aspects of the meetings and events experience.

"Congratulations to the distinguished Stella Award winners for 2020,” said Loren Edelstein, vice president and content director for Northstar Meetings Group. “All of the Stella finalists and winners represent excellence in the meetings and events industry as suppliers, and we’re thrilled to honor the best of the best – especially in a year when the industry has been impacted so significantly by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you to the winners for supporting meetings and events planners around the world, and thank you for your commitment to quality, service and innovation.”

Said Karen Williams, President & CEO of Louisville Tourism, “We are honored Northstar Meetings Group has recognized Louisville for a diverse array of destination marketing and tourism initiatives, including receiving first place for Best CVB/DMO, Best Convention Center and Best Conference Center. This prestigious recognition further amplifies the message that we are seeing the investment in Louisville’s tourism industry provide a great return and we are positioned well for more continued growth.”

The list of winners, finalists and their profiles can be found at NorthstarMeetingsGroup.com/Stellas.

About The Author

Rosanne Mastin

Communications & Public Affairs Manager

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