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Saundra Robertson, Louisville Tourism

Senior Tourism Sales Manager

I started working in my career as a sales assistant in 2006 at the Hyatt Regency Louisville. In 2007, I was hired as Convention Sales Assistant at Louisville Tourism. Transitioning from assistant to Convention Sales Coordinator, Tourism Sales Manager and recently promoted to Senior Tourism Sales Manager. My "aha moment" was the moment that I realized that it was ok to be myself. I remember being a new salesperson and attending my first conference and taking the “New attendee training.” One of the trainers made the comment that you don’t have to be the loudest or the most popular person in the room to be a good salesperson. All you need is to do what you say and not overpromise. I embraced that from that day forward. Advice that I would give my younger self, to go for it and stop overthinking, a lot of things are not what they seem! Working at Louisville Tourism has given me great opportunities to meet wonderful people, build lasting relationships and do and see things that most people do not get the chance to do.

Working at Louisville Tourism has given me great opportunities to meet wonderful people, build lasting relationships and do and see things that most people do not get the chance to do.