Better Together: Celebrating Bourbon with Watch Hill Proper
With brilliantly crafted food, and Bourbon pairings, this event promises to be a memorable experience for Bourbon enthusiasts and food lovers alike. Get a taste of Watch Hill Proper’s exceptional hospitality and warm up your taste buds with gourmet chili from Watch Hill Proper chef Michael Crouch and a delicious WHP Old Fashioned. This is only the beginning of a night to savor! Guests will also enjoy multiple tastings and three RD1 Spirits expressions that will be paired with RK Bluegrass’s carefully curated small bites. If you’re looking for the perfect cocktail ice, the folks from Monogram will be here to show off its revolutionary Force Ice machine. Prepare your taste buds folks, for a culinary experience like no other.
Admission: $39 • $34 (Frazier Member)